Friday, February 12, 2016

"Romeo and Juliet" is so famous almost everyone has heard of it or its author, William Shakespeare.  Tell me what you already know about the play without looking up any information!  What do you know about Shakespeare?  Have you heard or seen any scenes of the play on a TV show, movie, or heard any mention of it or Shakespeare in a song?  Give as many examples as you can from pop culture including advertising, events, or things.  Do you know anything about Shakespeare's appearance or any other plays that were written by him?

Monday, February 8, 2016

Favorite Character

Who was your favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird?  Why?  Describe a scene that made you like this character.  Why does this character stand out from the others to you?  Type a 6-8 sentence paragraph to answer this question.  Leave two comments for other students.  Remember that the comments need to be adding to the conversation, moving it forward.  Do not leave the types of generic comments we have discussed in class.