Monday, February 8, 2016

Favorite Character

Who was your favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird?  Why?  Describe a scene that made you like this character.  Why does this character stand out from the others to you?  Type a 6-8 sentence paragraph to answer this question.  Leave two comments for other students.  Remember that the comments need to be adding to the conversation, moving it forward.  Do not leave the types of generic comments we have discussed in class.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My favorite charter in TKAM is Atticus, the reason why I liked him is because know matter what his kids do he will take there side. And my favorite seen that he was in is when Scout was sitting on the porch after her first day of school because she had a bad day, and he gave her a little pep talk.

    1. On my first day of school it was bad. When I got picked up afterwards my grandma toke me out to get ice cream and told me tomorrow will be a better day.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I also liked Atticus because he was very intelligent and he knew what to say even if it was the wrong time. Atticus knew how to give talks to scout or jem or anyone when they needed it to make them feel better about something

    4. Did you agree with what he had to tell Scout in the "pep" talk

    5. Did you agree with what he had to tell Scout in the "pep" talk

  3. My favorite characters To Kill A Mockingbird was probably be Arthur "Boo" Radley. The reason I like Boo is because he you never really seen him outside of his home just heard the children tell stories about him. The Chapter that i started liking Boo was at the very end of the book, when he came out to help Jem and Scout get away from Bob Ewell.

    1. The ending of the book when Boo Radley saved the kids from Bob Ewell really caught me off guard as it offered a whole new side of him.

    2. This was also my favorite character.

  4. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird is Scout. She is my favorite character because she is always outgoing and always wanting to things. It is like Scout doesn't want to be left out in anything. My favorite scene with Scout is when she was explaining to Heck Tate about Bob Ewell attacking them. When she spoke out to Boo. Boo probably hadn't been spoken to in years, but Scout had the courage to speak up to him.

    1. I like how you explained how and why Scout is your favorite character.

    2. She was my favorite character also because she spoke the truth and she became friends with a lonely man that has been accused of doing many terrible things.

    3. I liked that she was a tomboy.

  5. My favorite character is Boo Randley. Why? Cause he never really came out of the house and because of the stories that was told on him. He stands out from any other character because he didn't really come out out of the house much and when he did he came out at night. Boo left little gifts in the truck of the tree for the kids. My favorite part about boo was when he helped jem into the house when he was hurt and when everyone in the room with jem seen boo, boo didnt say much . he wasnt really into talking to anyone much. He did get along with Jem and Scout a lot though.

    1. What did you think of Boo when you heard the children first talk about him in TKAM?

    2. Boo wasn't my favorite character, but he's not the last. In my opinion I believe you did a great job of explaining why you liked Boo.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My favorite characters To Kill A Mockingbird was probably be Arthur "Boo" Radley. The reason I like Boo is because he you never really seen him outside of his home just heard the children tell stories about him. The Chapter that i started liking Boo was at the very end of the book, when he came out to help Jem and Scout get away from Bob Ewell.

    1. Yes, I agree with you baylee.

    2. Even though Scoutt was my favorite character, I also enjoyed hearing about Boo. The suspense with him made the story so much better.

    3. I agree with you Baylee because even though the kids didn't know Boo personally they would act him out and listen to the stories people would say about him. This is why is is also one of my favorite characters.

  8. My favorite character is none other than Atticus Finch. He really sticks up for what he believes in and has really good morals. Atticus constantly drilled his kids on respect and to stay away from confrontation. In one scene Atticus was delivering the news of Tom's death himself which showed his respect for the family. Bob Ewell however entered into the scene and literally spit in Atticus Finch's face. Atticus however did not engage in confrontation he simply wiped his face an walked away. This scene showed readers that he will stick true to his morals and he is a man to admire and respect.

    1. Respect for other people is a very good thing. If someone spit in my face I would have got so mad and probably punched them in the face. What would you do if someone spit in your face?

    2. If someone spit in my face i would be really mad. I dont know what I would do to be honest...

    3. Atticus is definitely very concentrated on his morals and respect. He was very good at showing it when Bob Ewell spit in his face. Atticus simply wiped it off and drove away. That definitely shows that he is a good father and will stick up for what he believes in.

    4. I like Atticus to, he's very respectful and he stands up for what he believes in even if know one else does.

    5. I fully agree with you, Atticus was my favorite character too, and everything you said is why he was my favorite too. He showed great respect for everyone and could keep calm in a bad situation.

    6. I also like Atticus I like how he is nice and loving to others. I also like the details that you used to describe how Atticus was spit in the face by Bob Ewell.

    7. I also enjoyed Atticus to because he stood by in what he believed in then what other believe in.

    8. I like Atticus, to. You used a ton of detail describing him. Good job!

  9. My favorite character To kill A Mockingbird was probably be "Boo" Radley. The reason I like "Boo" was he was never really seen outside of his home, just heard the children telling stories about him.

    1. I like him too because he was mysterious and i think it pulled the book together.

  10. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird, was Scout. She is very independent, hard-headed, and funny. Scout stands out to me more than all of the other characters, because she is so independent and entertaining. Since she is still a little girl growing up, she doesn't always understand what is going on and sometimes things come out of her mouth that probably shouldn't. My favorite scene with Scout was her first day of school. She didn't know that Miss Caroline was still new and did not know that the Cunningham's didn't have money and didn't take anything they couldn't pay back. When she embarrassed Miss Caroline and got in trouble, she didn't know what to think besides not liking her anymore, because she has never gotten in trouble her whole life.

    1. I agree with you Alissa, because I believe that Scout was indeed embarrassed after what Miss. Caroline said to her.

    2. Alissa, I agree with you. Scoutt was an amazing character with a great role in the story. The school scene was also one of my favorites.

  11. My favorite character in To Kill a Mocking Bird, would be Scout. My reason for it being scout would be one day during their recess at school. Scout came walking along and she found Walter Cunningham. She ran towards him, and said "Darn you Walter Cunningham", while beating him to the ground. Then Jem pulled her off Walter and then Jem invited Walter to come stay for dinner. That was my favorite scene of Scout, and why I believed she was my favorite character.

    1. i liked the part when Scot start beating Walter Cunningham. nice job!

  12. My favorite character is Miss Maudie because she wasn't afraid to do something other women wouldn't. Everyday that she could she was out taking care of her garden. People would ask her why and that women shouldn't really be doing stuff like that. She never lessons and I like that about her. By Miss Maudie taking care of her garden I think it gave Scout some courage that helped her through the book.

    1. I too found her to be my favorite character. Miss Maudie was a role model, and someone to look up to.

    2. I also like Miss Maudie. I think she also gave Scout her willingness to speak her mind, but that's just my interpretation.

  13. My favorite character is Atticus. There wasn't really one scene that made me like him. Throughout the whole book and movie he showed courage that not many people had in Maycomb. He wasn't afraid to defend Tom because he knew it was the right thing to do. He stands out to me because of how smart he was, and that he almost always knew how to make a bad situation into a good one. Atticus showed bravery throughout the whole book and that's why he's my favorite character.

    1. Atticus was another of my favorite characters but not my favorite. You did a nice job in this paragraph explaining why you liked him and what made you like him so much.

    2. He was my favorite character besides Scout because it took a lot of will and courage to defend a black man in the south during desperate times.

    3. Atticus was definitely a great character throughout the entire book.

    4. Atticus was a very detailed character. But he was also somewhat intriguing and mysterious in a way. There were a lot of things that we found out that wouldn't usually be normal for a guy like Atticus.

  14. My favorite To Kill a Mockingbird character would be Scout. Throughout the whole story she showed that she wasn't a little kid and that she could do more then people expected her to. She also would tend to defend herself and her family and I believe that is what got me hooked to her in the first place. She never would back down from a fight and I thought Harper Lee did a great job making sure that was one of Scout's characteristic especially due to the time period of the story. My favorite scene would probably be when the boys told her not to go to the Radley house because she was "to scared" but she put her fears to the side and went anyways and probably was the smarter one with the whole situation. At the beginning of the story she was the biggest tomboy you could ever meet but as Jem grew older and pushed her away, the more girly she became but still had the same tomboy heart which made her an even better main character. In general Scout was just a good character hot headed or not.

    1. I really like how you described how and why Scout was your favorite.

  15. My favorite character was Scout. I liked the way that the story was told through her eyes. I also liked how she was not afraid up sticking up for herself and how curious she was about the legend of Boo Radley. Also the story was more interesting with her as the narrator because she did things she wasn't supposed to which gave us certain information from the book. Scout was also a tomboy which meant she didn't do many girly things with other girls but she did things with her brother Jem and their best friend Dill which i think made the story more interesting. Another thing I liked about Scout was how kind hearted she was in this story.

  16. My favorite character in to kill a mocking bird is Jim. I like Jim because I like how he think things out and tries to make Scot mind him. i think that Jim kind of bugged his dad tell he said yes. Like to go to tom house and when they snuck out and went to the jail and adduces told Jim to take Scot and Dill home.I though that it was funny when he got in trouble for picking Ms. moody ukases flowers when her house burnt down. I also like the fact that Jim tried fight that guy and save his sister.

    1. I have 1 question who is ms. moody.

    2. I like Jim as well because he acts very mature for his age, I think that his dad did a good job on how he supposed to treat other people.

    3. I like how basil trys to correct people and no one cares

  17. My favorite character was Scout. Scout was my favorite character because she was very adventurous and intelligent little girl. One of things that made her my favorite character is that she was always there for an innocent man named Boo Radley. She also became Boo's friend which made me happy because when they became friends he saved her from getting killed when Bob Ewell tried to kill her. Another reason why she was my favorite is because she kind of reminds me of a couple people that I know that are caring, smart, and all around a good person. In conclusion Scout was a very fascinating character that stood up for what she cared for and also good friends to others throughout the novel.

    1. I enjoyed your reasons to why your favorite character was scout.

    2. I also liked Scout.

    3. You did a great job explaining why you liked Scout. Scout was also my favorite because she was a adventurous and intelligent girl that was maturing quickly.

  18. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird, was Boo Radley. Even though Boo didn't show up in the story until the end, he was still my favorite character. At first when the story started, it intrigued me that Scout, Jem, and other people would talk about him, saying that he did this and that. When the kids were acting him out they would do it in the way people described him. Overall he was my favorite character because he showed great courage when he saved Scout and Jem from Bob Ewell. Although Boo only said one line in the whole book, he changed the way Scout looked at him meaning that she wouldn't think of him as the monster that did terrible things anymore. Scout was just impressed when Boo jumped in the battle to save two kids from being killed, so that changed the way she saw him after that. She even demonstrated her gratitude by letting him pet Jem when he slept and even taking him to his home afterwards. This is why Boo Radley is my favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird.

    1. Boo was a really good character in the book, even though we didn't see or hear much from him. His courage to go out and save the kids was a very good part. Another part I liked about Boo was that he gave the kids presents in the knot hole of the tree.

    2. Another one of my favorite character would have to be Boo Radley! I loved how he saved the children when they were being attacked by Bob. Also when he was giving them gifts in the knot hole.

    3. I liked how Boo had the courage to save the kids.

  19. My favorite character from the book would have to be Atticus. I chose him as my favorite because he did the right thing even if people wouldn't call it the right thing. Atticus showed that he was a caring person by taking the case of Tom Robinson even tho he knew that people were going to go against him and tell him not to he still did because he knew it as the right thing to do. Atticus did the right thing again when Bob Ewell spit on his face Atticus didn't fight back he knew to keep his cool and to get Bob back in a better way. Atticus showed he is a very brave person all through out the story by doing things that no other man in the world would probably take on. Those are the reasons why Atticus is my favorite character.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I like how Jarrett went real far in depth with the explanation of his favorite character.

  21. Mrs. Dubose I like this character because she was funny. My favorite scene that this character was when Jem, Scout, and Dill walked passed her and Scout said "Good Morning Mrs. Dubose." I thought that is was funny that Mrs. Dubose did not like what Scout said and got mad. I thought that it was sad that She dies at the end of the movie and book. It was a sad part. I like how Atticus had to calm her down by changing the conversation.

    1. This scene in the book was also one of my favorites.

  22. My favorite character is Atticus Finch, because he is wise and brave. My favorite scenes are when Atticus shot Tom Johnson. My other favorite scene is during the trial when he was proving that the Ewell's stories were false. The trial was against a black man named Tom Robinson who was being falsely accused of raping a white woman named Mayella Ewell.

    1. I also enjoyed Atticus the most of all through out the whole story.

    2. He was my favorite character too. He made the story come all together.

    3. I like Atticus as well but i didn't really like how they made him show like zero emotion.

  23. my favorite character in the book. to kill a mockingbird is Jem because he was protective. of his sister and he would stand up for his dad when he was doing the trial for tom.

  24. My favorite Character is Mrs. Dubose. I love her in this book and film because of my favorite part in the book when she says " Don't you say hey to me you ugly girl" to scout. I find that part of the book fascinating because it is funny and it teaching young students to address adults the right way.

  25. My favorite character into To kill A Mockingbird is Atticus Finch. The reason why he is my favorite character in this book because he is wise and smart. My favorite scene in the movie was that when he was questioning Tom Robinson on what happened with Mayella Ewell. Because he was supporting a black man at a time when they were being discriminated. Also why i pick Atticus Finch as my favorite character is because he look at the evidence a discovered that the Ewell family stories were false.

  26. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird was Boo Radley. Boo was my favorite character because he was very mysterious. I liked that they carried his story throughout the whole book. My favorite scene was the one were he killed Mr. Ewell. I liked this scene because you know its him but he is still mysterious about it. This is why Boo is my favorite character.

  27. My favorite character in the book was Scout because she speaks her mind, and doesn't care what other people say. Scout is also brave and isn't afraid to start a fight. In the movie my favorite part was when Jem and Scout found all of the things from Boo.

    1. Which scene with Scout speaking her mind was your favorite? I also found how she speaks her mind admirable.

    2. well Shannon my favorite scene of Scout speaking her mind would be when she got into the fight with Walter.

  28. My favorite character in to kill a mockingbird is Scout. Scout is my favorite character because she was outgoing and she said what was on her mind. Another thing I liked about Scout was that she was very intelligent and curious. Most kids wouldn't want to find out what Boo looked like or if he really was like everyone said he was. My favorite scene in to kill a mocking bird was when they were daring each other to go up to the Radley house and touch it. Scout, Jem, and Dill did a lot of things in this book that made them unique and daring.

    1. I said that Scout was my favorite character too. I liked her for a whole different reason though.

    2. For me Scout was known for speaking her mind, which is one of the reasons I you chose Scout. Scout would be a close second for me because of her unique actions and innocence in the story.

    3. For me Scout was known for speaking her mind, which is one of the reasons I you chose Scout. Scout would be a close second for me because of her unique actions and innocence in the story.

  29. My favorite character from "To Kill a Mockingbird" was Scout. I liked Scout because she was so tomboyish. She didn't care what people thought about her and the way she looked. When her aunt was trying to change the way see looked to make her look more like a lady was kind of stupid. I thought that if Scout wanted to wear overalls and a tee shirt let her wear it. Women don't always have to wear a dress.

    1. Scout was also my favorite character in the book. I agree that women don't always have to wear dresses and look nice all the time.

    2. Atticus was my favorite character but I really enjoyed Scout too.

    3. I like Atticus because he was brave. I also like Scout because she was very smart girl that always stuck up for what was right.

    4. Scout was also one of my favorite characters. I like how she can be a tomboy. Also the part I liked about Scout is when she got mad at Walter because he didn't bring his food, that shows us that Scout will do anything to any one.

    5. I also liked Scout, she showed what a women should be. She showed that you didn't have to be all girly if you were a girl.

    6. I agree with you one liking Scout because she was able to break the well known standards of being a girl and wearing a dress. I admired her in a lot of ways but she's too stubborn to be my favorite character.

    7. I like your opinion because you talked about how confident Scout was with being a tomboy. I feel like us girls today worry too much about what we look like, but we really shouldn't care. Girls also shouldn't be judged with what they wear. If they like dresses then wear them, if they like overalls then wear those as well.

  30. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird was Arthur "Boo" Radley. Boo is a young man who was forced to stay inside his house because he got in trouble. He is my favorite character because he is a recluse that is kind at heart, and shows that some people who seem scary aren't always bad. One scene that really made me fall in love with his character was the moments of his and Scout's interactions at the end of the novel. He sticks out to me more than other characters because he is kind of like me. I don't really know how to interact with people and am uncomfortable doing so, but once you're around me for a while, I open up and show my kindness.

    1. I figured Boo would have been really mean, but really he was kind and caring. Good point!

  31. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird was Atticus, he was my favorite because he reminded me of my dad in a way. He was also very brave and one of the few people in Maycomb that was not racist. I like how he stuck up for Tom Robinson regardless of who he was and what he was "accused" of doing. My three favorite scenes that involved Atticus were when he shot the dog, because it was really kind of a big secret that he knew how to shoot and it was interesting getting to know that about him. I also enjoyed when he told Bob to write his name in court because it kind of rubbed it in Bob's face that Atticus already knew he beat Mayella and not Tom. My third favorite scene with Atticus was when he went to Tom Robinson's house to tell his wife that Tom had died and Bob showed up in spit in Atticus's face, I enjoyed that scene because even though Bob was rude enough to spit in his face, Atticus stood there and took it without fighting back and that was very brave of him.

    1. I also chose Atticus. One big reason that I chose him was because he was brave. Brave people are always fascinating and I like that he was nice to Tom. Tom seemed like a good guy and other people didn't think so and Atticus was the one person that was there for Tom.

    2. Thats another reason I chose Atticus too, he is similar to my dad in a lot of ways.

  32. My Favorite character from To Kill a Mocking Bird was Miss. Maude. She was one of the charters from this book that I found to be a very nice person. She understood Scout, Jem, and Dill, and she was just a very sweet person. She was very wise, and it showed when she told Scout that her father was right in saying not to kill a mockingbird, and went on to explain why. She understood the towns problems and issues, and i believe her to have done what was right. If she was to say quite, she did, if not, she would speak and be correct in saying what she did. I just found her to be the most likable character to me.

    1. I agree! She was a good influence on Jem and Scout and Dill.

    2. I never really thought of her as being my favorite character, but I like how you describe her and make her important.

  33. My favorite character in the book is Atticus Finch. He is my favorite character because he is in the law area of work, he can shoot guns, he is very brave, and he sticks up for people who other people may not like. He does things that I like to do and also does things that I would love to do in the future. I like that he stuck up for Tom and I personally like people who stick up for other people, especially people that other people do not like and do not get along with in life. Atticus stuck up for Tom in the trial that he was being accused of raping a woman. He knew it was a wrong accusation so he stuck up for him the best he could.

  34. In To Kill a Mockingbird, there were many great characters, but my favorite had to be Tom Robinson. He had the most amount of hope I have seen throughout the entire book. He knew he wasn't going to win the trial, but he was willing to put up a fight. I think Tom is very courageous for what he did during the trial. It was no surprise when I figured out he was the mockingbird the book was talking about. His character was very well written.

    1. This is a very interesting character to have as your favorite. He was very emotional and overall just a very moving character.

  35. My favorite character in To Kill A Mockingbird was Boo Radley. This is because the whole book was leading up to Boo Radley and how his character was. Everyone thought he was some sort of psychopath and monster, but in truth, he was just a nice person who didn't like to be bothered. He is a silent and kind of strange character, and I always like those character archetypes a lot. One of the scenes that made me like him a lot was when he saved Scout from Bob Ewell and was overall very heroic. Overall, Boo Radley was just a nice person made out to be some kind of monster. He was just a misunderstood, shy person. he is set apart from the characters because he is an outcast.

    1. Boo definitely was a great character. It's a shame that we don't see him anymore throughout the book.

    2. Arthur Radley was my favorite character because of how nice of a person he was. You're right, he was portrayed as a monster but he was extremely misunderstood. The little we saw of him let the readers know the truth of Arthur and his courageous actions.

  36. My favorite character from To Kill A Mockingbird, is Dill. Dill is a curious child and really enjoyed being with Jem and Scout. He wasn't allowed to go back to Maycomb one summer, and was really sad. He ran away from his home just to be with Scout and Jem. This shows his loyalty to his friends and that he would go above and beyond for them.

    1. Dill was a curious figure, but he did stay loyal to his friends, even though he exaggerated a lot!!

  37. My favorite character from To Kill a Mockingbird is Boo Radley. Even though this character only makes a few appearances throughout the book and only has one line, he stands out the most to me. The kids are always talking about him and spying on him, which makes me have an idea on what kind of rumors there are on him. Although he stabbed his own dad's leg, I have learned that he is a great character. The best scenes I like that has him in there is the scene where he puts a blanket around Scout's shoulders, while Miss Maudie's house was on fire. It showed that he cared about Scout's well being. Another scene that stood out to me was when he saved Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell. Instead of running, he stood up to Bob and risked his own life, so that Scout wouldn't get hurt. Throughout the book it showed him giving gifts to the kids, and that was interesting, because it was his things. It kind of opened a little door to what he is like. These are reasons why I think Boo Radley is the best character from To Kill a Mockingbird.

    1. Arthur “Boo” Radley was kind to help the finch kids and he was sad when he seen Jem with a arm that is missed up

  38. My favorite character from To Kill a Mockingbird was Boo Radley. From the beginning from the book the kids were talking about him and how mysterious and dangerous he was. I was interesting to hear the stories that people told about him. In the book everyone tried to avoid going near his house. My favorite scene was at the end of the book where Boo saved Jem and Scout.

    1. I agree with you. I really liked the ending scene that includes him and how he saved the children.

    2. I liked him too. He wasn't dangerous or what the kids thought he would be at all.

    3. He was also one of my favorite characters. He was dangerous but at the end of the book he seemed to be really nice.

    4. I also liked Boo Radley, because of how Scout, Jem, and Dill thought Boo was mysterious and dangerous. But at the end of the story they learned how kind and caring Boo Radley is.

    5. Boo is my favorite also he is always filled with mysteries

    6. Very good description of Boo, Ket. You used great adjectives, but you could've described the scene with a little more detail.

  39. My favorite character is probably Atticus. There isn't really a particular scene that makes him stand out to me, it is just his attitude and actions throughout the whole book. He is a very wise man and knows how to handle situations well. Atticus is an outstanding father figure, he treats his children well and teaches them great life lessons in effective ways. Another reason I like Atticus is that he is a talented marksman.

  40. My favorite character was Atticus. He was always very honest to everyone. He was the one of the only white people that believed Tom Robinson. He wanted to help. He always helped when he could. He taught the children right from wrong.

    1. This is Dillon by the way, i don't know why it says unknown.

  41. My favorite character in TKAM would have to be Atticus. From the beginning of the book Atticus stood out to me because he was the most non-racist person in Maycomb. Atticus is an amazing father figure to Scout and Jem, he also teaches them all sorts of lessons. He knows how to handle hard situations and tough situations; such as the night when the group came to hurt Tom, Atticus heard and didn't think he just went down there to protect his client. Atticus is a very smart and wise person. He teaches his kids well and protects them. Another reason I like Atticus is because he is the most wise person. Also he knows how to handle any situation. Example, when Bob Ewell spit in his face, he couldn't hit him because it would hurt his case with Tom Robinson so he wiped his face off and got in his car and went home.

  42. My favorite character in TKAM would have to be Atticus. The reason for Atticus being my favorite character would be how he's always brave and smart in what he does during the story. The town of Macomb admires what Atticus does, even though he is defending Tom Robinson. Atticus took the case of Tom Robinson because he couldn't live with him self if he let a man be accused of what he didn't do if he could stop it. This shows how kind Atticus is and why Scout and Jem admire their father so much. Because of what Atticus does in the story of TKAM, makes him my favorite character in the story.

  43. My favorite character in To Kill A Mockingbird was Jem. He is like the brother most people don't get. He always wanted what was best for Scout and didn't want her to get hurt, he was her best friend. The scene where he was trying to protect Scout from Bob Ewell, he showed how good of a big brother he was. He shows courage in a lot of ways especially at the stage in his life where he is growing and changing. He grows through the story and strives to be brave and wise like his father.

    1. Jem was one of my favorite characters too. He was just an unusual little boy who would always be there for his little sister.

    2. This is an amazing description of Jem. I love the reasons that you enjoy his character. I also enjoy Jem. I never actually thought about Jem's big brother aspect to the story until I read your post.

    3. I enjoy how you wrote about Jem being the brother that most people don't get. I think that in the book people kind of forget Jem's role in Scout's life. It is not just Atticus that influences her.

    4. I also really enjoyed Jem. He really is like the brother that most people don't get.

    5. Jem was one of my favorite characters too. He was a great brother and represented his family well. I agree with everything you said on this post.

    6. Jem was also one of my favorite characters in the story. Jem was sort of unique from the other characters in TKAM because of what he learns changes the way he looks at things.

  44. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird would probably be Scout. Scout would speak her mind no matter what she even had to say. She would always tell the truth. I also like this character because she was an unusual type of little girl. She was like a boy at sometimes but for school she had to dress like a girl. I liked how she is confident of her actions and she is also unusually intelligent. She was probably the only kid in her class that could actually read and write when she started school. She is the way she is in the book because the way Atticus has raised her. She won't let anybody push her around because she is tough enough just to get back at them for what they have done.

  45. My favorite character in To Kill A Mockingbird is Atticus. I like Atticus because even in the racist and prejudice community he lived in, he still stood up for Tom Robinson. I like that he always tells the truth and he isn't afraid to stand up to what he believes in and what he thinks is right.

  46. My favorite character in To Kill A Mockingbird is Atticus. I like Atticus because even in the racist and prejudice community he lived in, he still stood up for Tom Robinson. I like that he always tells the truth and he isn't afraid to stand up to what he believes in and what he thinks is right.

    1. I like Atticus because he is a lawyer and he dose what is right and he will define any one that need's his help

  47. My favorite character has to be Scout Finch. She is curious about Arthur “Boo” Radley and why he is in the house and dose not come out. She is tough with boys like she will bette them up. When it comes to kind people like boo she is kind to him. She never were any dresses and She was always with her brother and she is a tomboy. She had a nanny/ cook in her house an she is different then most nanny's are. Scout is not a girly girl she love's to be out side and play in the mud and play with the boys.

  48. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird is Arthur Radley. He is my favorite character because he is surrounded in mystery. He does multiple generous thing for the kids including leaving presents for them in a tree and saving their lives. Although his life may not be interesting, it created entertainment for the kids and gossips of Maycomb. Another reason Arthur Radley is my favorite character is my favorite few paragraphs in the book (page 320 second to last paragraph to page 321 four paragraphs down) happened while Scout was standing on the Radley Porch. When Scout stood on the Radley porch she told you what it must have been like from the view Arthur had.

    1. I really enjoyed reading this post. Your description of the scene is very good and the depth of understanding is marvelous. You have analyzed this character perfectly.

    2. You went really in depth over why you like Arthur Radley. It really showed that you knew a lot about the character. I enjoyed that you included a reference to the book about how Scout got to stand on the Radley porch and see the world from how Arthur sees it.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I also like the part when Scout is on the porch and she sort of compares being on Boo Radley's porch to being on the outside and looking in. You did very well with your detail.

    5. I liked how you went into detail about how even though Arthur Radley barley showed up in the novel, he had a lot of influence on everyone in Maycomb.

    6. He was one of my favorite characters also. I like how you told where we could find what you were talking about.

  49. My favorite character in TKAM is Atticus Finch. He is the father that every man admires. He is loyal and has strong morals. My favorite scene with Atticus is when he makes a compromise with Scout. I love this scene because it shows that he loves his children and wants to pass on his morals to them. Another of my favorite scenes is when Atticus defends the jail to keep the men away from Tom Robinson. This shows his loyalty and his caring, nonviolent, nature towards the mob. Atticus is a great character and an amazing role model.

    1. I really liked Atticus too. His morals was one of my favorite parts about him as well.

    2. I agree with you about him being loyal and caring, and he is definitely a great father to Scout and Jem.

    3. Atticus was my favorite character also. I like how if he told his kids not to do something he would not do it either because then they would of never listened to him.

    4. Atticus was probably my second favorite character. I like how you discussed his personality and morals and then go in-depth and gave examples of how they applied to his life.

  50. I believe that my favorite character from To Kill a Mockingbird is probably Scout. She's my favorite character because she doesn't really want to be seen as a girl. She's a huge tomboy throughout the entire book, and I believe that she really stood out to me because of it. She truly didn't like to wear dresses or to do really girly things. I think that's why I like her so much...because she seems like me. She always stuck out from the other girls. In the story, she doesn't seem to have many friends that are girls, or many friends at all for that matter. She really reminded my of myself, which is why she was by far my favorite character.

    1. I agree that she really stood out. I loved the fact that she was unique and that she didn't want to appear as a girl.

  51. My favorite character in TKAM is Dill. Dill is just such a fun loving character. I especially liked the seen where he introduces himself to Scout and Jem. He is just such an adorable little character. He stands out to me because he is very adventurous and made friends easily. I liked that he had already decided that he was going to marry Scout. In conclusion he is my favorite because he is the most adorable character in the whole book.

    1. I also found Dill adorable and imaginative. I loved how Scout and Dill were in love with each other and kept saying they were going to get married.

    2. Although I don't favor Dill over the rest of the characters, I did enjoy his parts in the book. He is super adorable when he asks Scout to marry him (even if he just ignores that fact from there on).

    3. Although I don't favor Dill over the rest of the characters, I did enjoy his parts in the book. He is super adorable when he asks Scout to marry him (even if he just ignores that fact from there on).

    4. I love Dill as well! He has such a charming personality yet is mischievous at the same time.

  52. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird would be Scout. She isn't any normal girl. She is curious, playful, boyish, and isn't afraid to beat up Walter Cunningham or play in the dirt. She hated dressing up for school, and always wore overalls. Scout has a vivid imagination, and always has new ideas. When it comes to Boo Radley, she always wanted to learn more about him and what he does in his house. Scout is definitely my favorite character because she is unique and different.

    1. I enjoy how you described Scout, and you used a few examples. And I agree with you about Scout being your favorite. She's definitely a unique character in the story.

    2. I like how you mentioned how Scout is not afraid to do certain tasks other children would not. How you described all aspects of her personality is interesting.

    3. I like how you used a lot of adjectives that describe Scouts character. This showed me that you really understood who Scout was and what her personality is like.

  53. The character from "To Kill a Mockingbird" that I like the most is Atticus Finch. He is successfully raising Jem and Scout even though he's wife has died and he's by himself. I admire that he believes in equality and in the trial scene he really proves that, he fights with all he has to prove that Tom Robinson is not guilty. Atticus stands by what he believes in even when his family and neighbors tell him not to; even when someone spits in his face or fits with his daughter he still stays strong. He has a few occasions where he is "challenged" to fight but he doesn't because he wants to be an example to his daughter and show her that there are other ways to handle things. Atticus is very wise, he knows how to raise a family, and he stands up for what he believes in; I really like all those factors about him and that is why he is my favorite character.

    1. I like the way you described Atticus and gave many examples when you did. I liked how when you gave an example you really described the scene very well. You were able to make me have an image of what Atticus is like. Very good job!

    2. I really like how you said this,",even when someone spits in his face or fits with his daughter he still stays strong." because this explains Atticus perfectly. Throughout the book Atticus remains strong for his children no matter what. He is setting a great example for them as a father.

    3. I found Atticus as a character to admire too. He didn't believe in fighting or racism and tried to set a good example for Scout and Jem.

    4. Atticus is my favorite character too! I agree that one of the things makes Atticus so amazing is the fact that he stands by Tom Robinson through it all.

    5. Atticus is a very good father and I like that you put that in your paragraph. I also liked how you described him and his personality and that he was trying to set an example for his daughter, Scout. I also liked how you mentioned that he stood up for Tom Robinson when no one else really did.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Atticus was also my favorite character and I agree that he was an excellent person especially for someone during the Great Depression.

  55. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird is Atticus Finch. From the beginning of the book I could tell that I was going to like him. He was a great father figure and a good person. Tom Robinson's trial was my favorite part with Atticus. It showed that he was smart, caring, and knew what he was doing. I also liked the fact that he took on Tom Robinson's case and actually tired to defend him.

    1. I agree that Atticus's bravery won me over when reading about him taking on Tom Robinson's case.

    2. I like how you described Atticus as a "father figure" in the novel, and he was because he was teaching the kids not to judge people by what they look like. I feel that if a lot of fathers were like Atticus, then people wouldn't judge so much today.

  56. My favorite character in TKAM is Scout. I feel like throughout the book she is battling with herself. She is trying to stay innocent and not be changed due to all of the drama around her. Her father does a great job at trying to let her grow up with the right morals in mind. I liked to read as she started to realize what Atticus was talking about. I think that is one of the only things that I can empathize with in the book, since it was based in the 1930's. In conclusion, since Scout is such a young age I am able to understand how she is feeling in the book and this is why she will remain to be my favorite character in TKAM.

    1. I like how you say "I feel like" as if to tell me you were pulling out more from the book about Scout than what it was actually telling you.

  57. My favorite character in TKAM is Atticus Finch. I like how he did his best to defend Tom Robinson. When everyone believed that he was guilty Atticus did his best to find out the truth and he did. Also he is the person that everyone looks up to. He is a great example on how to act and he is raising his kids to be good human beings.

    1. My favorite character was also Atticus. I really liked his morals and how they were different compared to most of the people around him.

    2. Atticus was my favorite character too for almost the same reasons. He was a great example to his kids and to the town and I loved how he did his absolute best to defend Tom.

  58. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird is Atticus Finch. Atticus is an amazing role model and father. He kept his head together while going through an extremely hard time for his family and for the whole country. However, even through all of this he still managed to do an amazing job at raising his children. When Atticus talked about how he wasn't defending Tom Robinson because he had to, but because he had to deal with himself before he stood for the judgment of other people, he instantly gained my respect. This shows how Atticus went down in history as an amazing role model, and an even better father for his steady moral compass.

    1. I completely agree and you used spectacular examples of what Atticus has done in the book to show that he is your favorite. You explained him and his beliefs very well and it was very good. Great job!

    2. Although Boo Radley was my favorite, you do make a lot of good points in this paragraph. Atticus was a very outstanding character and one of my favorites also.

  59. My personal favorite character from To Kill a Mockingbird is Tom Robinson for several reasons. He is a very kind man and seeing him experience the struggles with his accusations was exciting. Witnessing the daily problems he experienced being a black man in a society with only white acceptance was very different from seeing the lives of the white characters. The uniqueness of Tom's life was very interesting to me. Also, Tom is a very respectable, polite, and hard-working man and these aspects of his personality make Tom Robinson my favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird.

    1. Very interesting choice. You are the only one I have seen with Tom Robinson. I do agree that he is a kind man and everything else you said about him. Tom is like a symbol or a sign and represents something in the book.

  60. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird is Atticus Finch. He is my favorite because of what a great father figure he is and how wise and loyal he is. In this time during the book, racial equality was something that very few people believed in. Atticus was one of those people that believed in racial equality. He had the choice to either fit in like the rest of the town and hate blacks, or he could be a loyal lawyer and defend Tom the way he knew was right. Atticus defended Tom the best he could and he did not care who was threatening or teasing him, he knew he had to do his job as a lawyer and defend this man. This taught many lessons along the way to his children. This is why Atticus Finch is my favorite character, because of the leader that he was and how he stayed true to his values.

  61. Personally I found Atticus Finch my favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus didn't believe in racism or fighting. He continued to try to set a good role model for Jem and Scout. Even when someone spit in his face he didn't fight because he didn't want Scout to continue to fight. I loved how Atticus didn't waver from defending Tom. He never listened to what his fellow citizens told him about Tom and black people.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird is Atticus. He is so wise and honest and always does what is right. He never raises his voice or uses violence. I guess people with older souls have always caught my attention. He is so gentle in his nature and kind hearted to everyone no matter their skin color, intelligence, or gender. He is a perfect example of what we needed during the time of the Great Depression involving inequality. My favorite scene in particular was when he showed off his big heart after allowing Bob Ewell to spit in his face and disrespect him all because he didn't want it taken out on Mayella. I like this scene because even though Atticus knew that Mayella lied and got an innocent man killed, he still cared for her safety. I think that was mature and most people in today's world wouldn't think of things in that way.

  64. My personal favorite character from To Kill a Mockingbird is Jem. I liked Jem because he was very protective of his sister,even if sometimes he shoved her away so he could play with Dill. He really showed his protectiveness when he was trying to save Scout when Bob Ewell attacked them. He was very imaginative and it showed when he would spend time with his little sister to create and act out stories. Jem is very intelligent and normally knows what to say to Scout when she is scared or just curious about life. This bring out a little bit of his protective side and also his loving side. Jem is also very brave, which is another reason he is my favorite character.

    1. I like how throughout your paragraph, you explain what Jem is like with his sister throughout the novel. You also explained when he was imaginative and when he was protective, such as during the summer when he created plays or the time when Bob attacked them, which helps your view on why he is your favorite character.

  65. My favorite character in To Kill A Mockingbird is Jeremy Atticus Finch. Jem is a leader. In situations throughout the book he takes charge and handles it in the best way possible. He is protective and would do anything to keep his sister safe. He is curious and hunts for adventure and will not stop until he gets all the fun out of it. He has his strong side but he also has his emotional side. When Tom Robinson was convicted he was sad and could not understand why someone innocent could be charged guilty. He didn't think it was fair. Jem is my favorite character because I think he is a very relateable character.

  66. My favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird has to be Arthur Radley. Arthur is a very unique character in the story, and also the hero. Jem and Scout had never seen Arthur until he saved both of them from Bob. I thought that this was a very special moment in this story, because Arthur was always watching the children even though they could never see him. Arthur didn't show up a whole lot in the story like the other character, but when he did it was at the most important times in this novel. Arthur also seems to know what goes on in Maycomb, even though he is never outside of his home. I loved Arthurs character just because he was so unique and was a hero.

    1. I also liked Arthur "Boo" Radley. I also thought that he played a very important role and I like how you made that important in your paragraph. You did a good job at pointing out that he knew what was going on but he never came out of his house. Good job!

  67. My favorite character from To Kill a Mockingbird is Scout. Even though she is quite young, she knows what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. She was able to make Mr. Cunningham and the lynch mob back off. I don't think they were afraid of her, because littles girls aren't scary. However, when Scout asked Mr. Cunningham to say hey to Walter for her, he started to realize that his family might not approve of his actions. Scout is a harmless girl but when she is offended she can stand up for herself. She has confidence and she is intelligent. Scout stands out to me because of her personality. She is so much different from all of the other girls her age and she doesn't mind being different.

    1. You did a good job explaining why you liked Scout and what she did throughout the novel that made her your favorite character. You also explain characteristics she acquires, but there are a few mistakes with words and commas.

  68. Out of all of the characters in To Kill A Mockingbird, my favorite character was Boo Radley. He was such a quiet character yet you always knew he was around somewhere. My favorite scene with him was when he would leave the kids little presents in the trees. Although he was shy and had a bad reputation, she was friendly after all and looked after the kids. He meant no harm to anyone at all. Boo was just a shy young man with an odd personality that society, at the time, wouldn't accept.

  69. My favorite was Boo, he was there but no one could see him. He always had an eye out for the kids and protecting them like they were his own. Boo only came out at night to watch what happened in the neighborhood. An when it was morning the kids would try to see him through his window. They never really saw him and only heard of the stories that the people told them. But at the end when Boo saves Jem and Scout they saw they were wrong about him.

  70. My favorite character from To Kill A Mockingbird is Calpurnia. I think that she is a very fascinating, entertaining person. The way she interacts with Scout and Jem, acting in a way as a mother figure, really warms the story up. She is the doorway into the lives of black people. When she takes the kids to the church, it truly is an incredible experience. I found it really cool to see how they lived and acted, and it was extremely fascinating to watch Calpurnia handle everyday life.

    1. Calpurnia is a great influence on Scout and works as a wonderful mother type figure for scout and also helps her mature and grow.

  71. My favorite character in To Kill A Mockingbird is Atticus. There are many reason why he is my favorite character. He is very brave in this story because he defended a black man when everyone was racist towards black people. He also isn't afraid to stand up for whats right. Atticus also keeps his cool in the story when Bob Ewell spat right in his face. I like this because it shows that he knows when he shouldn't react and when he should.

    1. I found it remarkable when he did not retaliate to Mr. Ewell Spit and in most situations would of shown some type of physical brutality, but not Atticus.

  72. One of my favorite characters in To Kill a Mockingbird would be Jem. As the story progresses, he matures and gets more distant, but even though he gets more distant, he is still there for Scout as her big brother. With his growing, he also grows wiser and tries to be there for his father too, such as when Atticus looses his trial. During the trial, Jem is attached to it and wants to listen to every word because he is interested and he wants his father to win, not just because Atticus is his father, but because he knows what's the truth and what's right. Even though Jem is growing, he is still a curious boy with imagination and enjoys having fun. These are some of the reasons as to why Jem is one of my favorite characters in To Kill a Mockingbird.

  73. I enjoyed the character of Atticus Finch and how he represents a gentleman and a moral authority throughout the story. The basis of his character is one that southern fathers model themselves after and for good reason. Atticus defended a black man and at this time this shows his character as much as his moral standards. In this time it would be hard to find a man who thought of black people of mere men but Atticus looked at them like they were equal of ever better than he. Atticus Is the great model for fathers, and shows us where to look for when raising our children.

  74. I really enjoyed the character Atticus Finch. I liked him because he is a great role model. He defends someone even though everyone is being very racist towards that person. He puts aside his pride and defends Tom Robinson as best as he can. He also is a great father figure. He leads his children in the right direction in life. He shows his kids how to be good people in life and also what to do in the moment of life.
